- Paperback 110 pages
- Publisher Independently published (April 10, 2019)
- Language German
- ISBN-10 1093487968
Home » Archives for June 2019
Read Online 2062 9783742308603 Books
By Edwin Elliott on Wednesday, June 5, 2019
Read Alles Gute Zum 50 Geburtstag Gästebuch Zum Ausfüllen und Eintragen von Glückwünschen für das Geburtstagskind 50 Jahre Geschenkidee Album Motiv Grün Bunt Torte German Edition Lustige Gästebücher Geburtstag 9781093487961 Books
By Edwin Elliott
Read Alles Gute Zum 50 Geburtstag Gästebuch Zum Ausfüllen und Eintragen von Glückwünschen für das Geburtstagskind 50 Jahre Geschenkidee Album Motiv Grün Bunt Torte German Edition Lustige Gästebücher Geburtstag 9781093487961 Books
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Download PDF Emergent Strategy Shaping Change Changing Worlds adrienne maree brown 9781849352604 Books
By Edwin Elliott
Download PDF Emergent Strategy Shaping Change Changing Worlds adrienne maree brown 9781849352604 Books
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Emergent Strategy Shaping Change Changing Worlds adrienne maree brown 9781849352604 Books Reviews
- This is one of the most innovative approaches to organizational development I've ever read. It is a brilliant, poetic and practical manual for facilitating and running meetings, groups, companies and campaigns. With real world examples of how emergence strategies can help us work smarter and not harder, to bring more presence, aliveness, joy and hope into our efforts to make the world, and our everyday lives, better. adrienne maree brown is truly masterful at weaving together threads of different political, social, economic, spiritual, and even science fiction theories into a very accessible guide for anyone who seeks to participate in changing the world.
- I'm the executive director of a small non-profit and have been looking for some good books on strategy. consensus building, achieving the mission, etc. I purchased this book the quick advice of another executive director of a small non-profit. Although it's based on some good, creative ideas, I found this book to be unhelpful to me. I found that it repeats itself and meanders. It basically says, "Rethink conventional structures and be sure to collaborate," over and over again. It introduces concepts of community building and social change based on biomimicry but I don't find it convincing in this regard. We should run our communities like mycelium and fractals? Hm? Even knowing a little bit about these natural systems and how they work, I don't agree with the parallels the author wants to draw to them. Lots of systems exist in nature -- apex predators, for example -- but that doesn't mean we should model ourselves after them. In any case, I really wanted to like the book and I stuck with it up to about page 56, but I gave up. Just not for me.
- I’ve never read a book in this genre. My usual reading is books on business, self-improvement, innovation, creativity, and science fiction. I picked it up after my partner recommended it, and I noticed there were connections made to sci-if authors like Octavia Butler. In this book I encountered a radically different vision of what the future could look like, and a radical path of healing and emergence and growth that could make that future happen. I’m deeply inspired by the diversity and courage of the ideas in this book, which are a clear reflection of the diversity and courage of movement building. This book is going to have a profound impact on my work, which is about building a movement of self-aware individuals transforming people’s relationship to their work, performing it as a form of growth and self-expression instead of as an obligation. Thank you so much to Adrienne, for sharing your wisdom with us.
- I usually inhale books quickly in one sitting. Not this! I've never sent more quotes from a book about more topics than this one. It's part permission to be human, alive. It's beautiful scientific research on ecosystems and other species who have much to teach us. It's the role of sci-fi/fantasy books and writing in ways to achieve justice. It's beautiful poetic prose, word mandalas, new ideas constantly shifting like in a kaleidoscope.
And I worried, "Oh no, will she give some PRACTICAL HOW TO? Because I am dazzled by the ideas and starting to lose faith that I would ever be able to do this with friends. She'll lose a star for describing these concepts if I don't have some guidance!
Never fear, she clearly explains how to do these paradigm shifts. So often it was mentioned that in any group of people there's a conversation that only they can have, an important one. Yet I've sat through many meetings well aware that most of us don't know why we bothered to show up.
She delivers the goods! Easy to understand and clear to follow.
Also she has an amazing way of packing a lot of necessary information into manageable chunks. The interviews with others mostly helped me see that others she works with aren't copy cats. There's a lot of great teaching from her teachers that stand out, so you're not just reading her ideas, skills, experience but those of others. It's like being in a conversation.
She successfully gets these important, new messages across in different ways, so if one section is confusing, another should help you access it. Maybe not all of the book is for you, but it's written to reach different people - which you'd expect from a great facilitator.
I'd love to read a book about romantic and one to one friendships by her!
Ebook BigFoot Goes on Great Adventures Amazing Facts Fun Photos and a LookandFind Adventure! Happy Fox Books Over 500 Hidden Items to Find in the Rainforest the Himalayas Madagascar More DL Miller 9781641240437 Books
By Edwin Elliott
Ebook BigFoot Goes on Great Adventures Amazing Facts Fun Photos and a LookandFind Adventure! Happy Fox Books Over 500 Hidden Items to Find in the Rainforest the Himalayas Madagascar More DL Miller 9781641240437 Books
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Read Erotic Games Ausgewählt German Edition edition by Dorothea Kirstein Literature Fiction eBooks
By Edwin Elliott on Tuesday, June 4, 2019
Read Erotic Games Ausgewählt German Edition edition by Dorothea Kirstein Literature Fiction eBooks
Eigentlich wollte sich Tommy nur die Zeit vertreiben, doch in einer Dating-App stößt er auf ein interessantes Profil einer sehr attraktiven Person. Die Kontaktaufnahme ist spontan und führt zu unerwünschten Ergebnissen. Die darauffolgenden Ereignisse lassen sich nicht mehr stoppen und Tommy wird bald mit Fragen konfrontiert, die er sich noch nie gestellt hat.
Dieser Roman gehört dem Genre "Gay Romance" an und enthält explizite erotische Handlungen zwischen männlichen Protagonisten. Das empfohlene Mindestalter der Leserschaft wird mit 16 Jahren angegeben.
Read Erotic Games Ausgewählt German Edition edition by Dorothea Kirstein Literature Fiction eBooks
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Tags : Erotic Games Ausgewählt (German Edition) - edition by Dorothea Kirstein. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Erotic Games Ausgewählt (German Edition).,ebook,Dorothea Kirstein,Erotic Games Ausgewählt (German Edition),Fiction / Erotica,Fiction / Romance / Gay
Erotic Games Ausgewählt German Edition edition by Dorothea Kirstein Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews :
Read Online Niemand ist perfekt aber mit einer Deutschen Dogge ist man verdammt nah dran Hund Notizbuch Notizblock Geburtstag Geschenk Buch mit 110 linierten Seiten German Edition Stefan Gerharder 9781093696769 Books
By Edwin Elliott
Read Online Niemand ist perfekt aber mit einer Deutschen Dogge ist man verdammt nah dran Hund Notizbuch Notizblock Geburtstag Geschenk Buch mit 110 linierten Seiten German Edition Stefan Gerharder 9781093696769 Books
Niemand ist perfekt aber mit einer Deutschen Dogge ist man verdammt nah dran Hund Notizbuch, Notizblock, Geburtstag Geschenk Buch mit 110 linierten Seiten
Read Online Niemand ist perfekt aber mit einer Deutschen Dogge ist man verdammt nah dran Hund Notizbuch Notizblock Geburtstag Geschenk Buch mit 110 linierten Seiten German Edition Stefan Gerharder 9781093696769 Books
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Tags : Niemand ist perfekt aber mit einer Deutschen Dogge ist man verdammt nah dran Hund Notizbuch, Notizblock, Geburtstag Geschenk Buch mit 110 linierten Seiten (German Edition) [Stefan Gerharder] on . Niemand ist perfekt aber mit einer Deutschen Dogge ist man verdammt nah dran Hund Notizbuch, Notizblock,Stefan Gerharder,Niemand ist perfekt aber mit einer Deutschen Dogge ist man verdammt nah dran Hund Notizbuch, Notizblock, Geburtstag Geschenk Buch mit 110 linierten Seiten (German Edition),Independently published,1093696761,PETS / Dogs / Breeds
Niemand ist perfekt aber mit einer Deutschen Dogge ist man verdammt nah dran Hund Notizbuch Notizblock Geburtstag Geschenk Buch mit 110 linierten Seiten German Edition Stefan Gerharder 9781093696769 Books Reviews :
Download PDF Des abeilles sous la peau 9782815929721 Books
By Edwin Elliott
Download PDF Des abeilles sous la peau 9782815929721 Books
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Read Online Elizabeth I A Captivating Guide to the Queen of England Who was the Last of the Five Monarchs of the House of Tudor Audible Audio Edition Captivating History Desmond Manny Books
By Edwin Elliott
Read Online Elizabeth I A Captivating Guide to the Queen of England Who was the Last of the Five Monarchs of the House of Tudor Audible Audio Edition Captivating History Desmond Manny Books
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Elizabeth I A Captivating Guide to the Queen of England Who was the Last of the Five Monarchs of the House of Tudor Audible Audio Edition Captivating History Desmond Manny Books Reviews
- kindle unlimited, see also The Wars of the Roses A Captivating Guide to the English Civil Wars That Brought down the Plantagenet Dynasty and Put the Tudors on the Throne & The Tudors A Captivating Guide to the History of England from Henry VII to Elizabeth I & The Six Wives of Henry VIII A Captivating Guide to Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves, Catherine Howard, and Katherine Parr to go along with this.
Explore the Captivating History of Elizabeth I Free History BONUS Inside!
Elizabeth Tudor, daughter of the ill-fated Queen Anne Boleyn and temperamental King Henry VIII, was never meant to rule the country. Yet, when her time came, she didn’t stumble under the weight of the English crown. Elizabeth was perhaps the most intelligent, forward-thinking monarch who ever sat on the throne before or since. Her reign is responsible for the strength of the Royal Navy, the cultivation of fine arts, the long-term stability and safety of her nation from foreign attacks, and the first steps toward international colonization.
In Elizabeth I A Captivating Guide to the Queen of England Who Was the Last of the Five Monarchs of the House of Tudor, you will discover topics such as The Birth of a Future Queen From Princess to Lady Elizabeth and the Royal Stepmothers The Teenaged Princess A Flurry of Successions Queen Elizabeth I Sir Francis Drake and the Elizabethan Settlements Mary, Queen of Scots and War with Spain Arts and Culture in Elizabethan England The End of the Tudor Dynasty And much, much more!
The Wars of the Roses A Captivating Guide to the English Civil Wars That Brought down the Plantagenet Dynasty and Put the Tudors on the Throne
The Tudors A Captivating Guide to the History of England from Henry VII to Elizabeth I & The Six Wives of Henry VIII A Captivating Guide to Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves, Catherine Howard, and Katherine Parr
Elizabeth I A Captivating Guide to the Queen of England Who Was the Last of the Five Monarchs of the House of Tudor
for full listing of Captivating History books, I still keep a running update with Titanic A Captivating Guide to the History of the Unsinkable Ship RMS Titanic, Including Survivor Stories and a Real Romance Story - All in all, it is a masterful work that I enjoyed immensely. It was a page-turner that I finished rather quickly. I especially enjoyed the aspects about her education; her relationships with Kat Ashley, Catherine Howard, and Katherine Parr; her clever foreign policy; and the impact she had on English culture.
I look forward to reading more of their work. - I love that this not only gets you into the history but provides for a readable experience. I love reading the story of Elizabeth and how much she had to conquer to truly become a huge piece of history.
- Too expensive for the amount of information given. This is only 45 pages long!
- As usual, an interesting ,quick and concise read from Captivating History.
- Elizabeth's life and reign was so full of drama and intrigue that it's hard to put it all down in a guide book. Yet, it has been done here with Captivating History! Being a granddaughter of Henry, Margaret and Mary Tudor, I have studied my ancestors extensively and found this guide on Elizabeth to be both informative and entertaining. I would highly recommend this book to anyone wanting a glimpse into Tudor England and it's longest ruling monarch.
- Renaissance/Reformation Europe, especially England, is one of my favorite periods and Elizabeth I is a huge hero of mine. So I may be biased but I think this was one of the best captivating books yet. It reads very fresh and the wealth of detail about Elizabeth's messed-up childhood dealing with political intrigue and threats to her well-being was amazing. Anyone wishing to understand one of the most important figures in English History must pick up this book.
- I just finished watch the series about Mary Queen of Scots and some of her dealings with Elizabeth. I enjoyed learning more about the other Queen.
Ebook Storia di Roma dalla sua fondazione Libro Primo testo latino a fronte Con note sintattiche linguistiche storiche e elenco dei paradigmi dei verbi GrecoLatini Vol 3 Italian Edition eBook Tito Livio
By Edwin Elliott
Ebook Storia di Roma dalla sua fondazione Libro Primo testo latino a fronte Con note sintattiche linguistiche storiche e elenco dei paradigmi dei verbi GrecoLatini Vol 3 Italian Edition eBook Tito Livio
L’opera di Tito Livio, prima di venire mutilata dal tempo, abbracciava quasi otto secoli di storia romana, dall’approdo di Enea sul litorale del Lazio fino al principato augusteo. Nel primo degli ab Vrbe condita libri, l’autore narra le origini della città che darà vita all’impero futuro dominatore del Mediterraneo il regno dei sette re, le prime guerre per l’espansione nel Lazio, le esemplari figure che caratterizzano la monarchia romana. Da Romolo ai Tarquini, da Ersilia a Lucrezia, dall’uccisione di Remo alla fondazione della res publica, Livio fa addentrare il lettore nelle vicende della città “principe delle terre”, con uno stile ricco e vivace, frequenti riflessioni etiche e politiche e aneddoti fra i più celebri della storia di Roma antica.
La Collana.
Testi dell’antichità greca e latina in una veste editoriale rigorosa e funzionale, con inedita impaginazione a doppia colonna a sinistra il testo originale con in calce le note relative alla lingua, alla tradizione e alle figure retoriche (utili a studenti liceali o universitari, oltre che a un pubblico più specialistico); nella colonna di destra la traduzione italiana, corredata da note di tipo storico-contenutistico. In appendice l’elenco completo dei paradigmi dei verbi. Il volume è poi ulteriormente arricchito da espansioni online, con link che rimandano a risorse disponibili in rete (siti web, testi, documenti, immagini, luoghi geografici, video, film), fruibili anche da lettori che non conoscono la lingua originale.
Ebook Storia di Roma dalla sua fondazione Libro Primo testo latino a fronte Con note sintattiche linguistiche storiche e elenco dei paradigmi dei verbi GrecoLatini Vol 3 Italian Edition eBook Tito Livio
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Tags : Storia di Roma dalla sua fondazione. Libro Primo (testo latino a fronte) Con note sintattiche, linguistiche, storiche e elenco dei paradigmi dei verbi ... Greco-Latini Vol. 3) (Italian Edition) - edition by Tito Livio. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Storia di Roma dalla sua fondazione. Libro Primo (testo latino a fronte) Con note sintattiche, linguistiche, storiche e elenco dei paradigmi dei verbi ... Greco-Latini Vol. 3) (Italian Edition).,ebook,Tito Livio,Storia di Roma dalla sua fondazione. Libro Primo (testo latino a fronte) Con note sintattiche, linguistiche, storiche e elenco dei paradigmi dei verbi ... Greco-Latini Vol. 3) (Italian Edition),Edimedia,Literary Collections / Ancient Classical,History / Ancient / Rome
Storia di Roma dalla sua fondazione Libro Primo testo latino a fronte Con note sintattiche linguistiche storiche e elenco dei paradigmi dei verbi GrecoLatini Vol 3 Italian Edition eBook Tito Livio Reviews :
Ebook NAPOLI SI REGGE SULL'OVO! Racconti partenopei e dintorni Italian Edition Angelo Ricci 9781092636001 Books
By Edwin Elliott on Monday, June 3, 2019
Ebook NAPOLI SI REGGE SULL'OVO! Racconti partenopei e dintorni Italian Edition Angelo Ricci 9781092636001 Books
“momentaneamente disoccupato†riuscii, per quasi un quinquennio a svolgere l’attività di “Investigatore Privatoâ€, incontrando sulla mia strada personaggi di ogni tipo, e vivendo storie che sembravano appartenere – sempre perennemente in bilico – o alla sceneggiatura di una serie televisiva, oppure alle pagine di cronaca di un rotocalco locale! Ed è per questo motivo, che qualcuna di tali storie, fra le più divertenti e intriganti, ho deciso di metterle per iscritto, ché così vividamente si sono impresse nella mia memoria… però quando esse “risalgono alla superficieâ€, sempre riescono a strapparmi un sorriso, un’esclamazione e persino, sospiri di sollievo, del tipo “scampato pericoloâ€!
Ebook NAPOLI SI REGGE SULL'OVO! Racconti partenopei e dintorni Italian Edition Angelo Ricci 9781092636001 Books
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Tags : NAPOLI SI REGGE SULL'OVO! Racconti partenopei e dintorni (Italian Edition) [Angelo Ricci] on . “momentaneamente disoccupato†riuscii, per quasi un quinquennio a svolgere l’attività di “Investigatore Privatoâ€,Angelo Ricci,NAPOLI SI REGGE SULL’OVO! Racconti partenopei e dintorni (Italian Edition),Independently published,1092636005,Fiction / Action Adventure,Fiction / General
NAPOLI SI REGGE SULL'OVO! Racconti partenopei e dintorni Italian Edition Angelo Ricci 9781092636001 Books Reviews :
Ebook Glückwünsche Zum 18 Geburtstag Lustiges Gästebuch Zum Eintragen und Ausfüllen von Glückwünschen für das Geburtstagskind als Erinnerung Album Motiv Flamingo Tropisch Palmen German Edition Lustige Gästebücher Geburtstag 9781092726689 Books
By Edwin Elliott
Ebook Glückwünsche Zum 18 Geburtstag Lustiges Gästebuch Zum Eintragen und Ausfüllen von Glückwünschen für das Geburtstagskind als Erinnerung Album Motiv Flamingo Tropisch Palmen German Edition Lustige Gästebücher Geburtstag 9781092726689 Books
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PDF Vom Urknall bis zum Menschen Eine Kurzfassung Helmut Jarosch 9783832548674 Books
By Edwin Elliott
PDF Vom Urknall bis zum Menschen Eine Kurzfassung Helmut Jarosch 9783832548674 Books
Wie hat sich das Universum nach dem Urknall entwickelt? Wie verhalten sich Raum und Zeit zueinander? Wie haben sich aus Elementarteilchen komplexe Objekte gebildet Atome, Moleküle, Lebewesen -- und der Mensch? Helmut Jarosch beantwortet diese spannenden Fragen anders als gewohnt Er lässt einen fiktiven »Gott« erzählen, wie er die Welt gestaltet hat. Komplizierte Sachverhalte wie Raum und Zeit, die spezielle Relativitätstheorie, Gravitation, Geburt und Tod der Sterne, die Entstehung und Entwicklung der Erde sowie die Prinzipien der Genetik und der Evolution werden mit neuen Ansätzen und überraschenden sprachlichen Bildern leicht verständlich erklärt. Das Buch setzt keine Fachkenntnisse voraus. Es wendet sich an alle Leser, die wissen wollen, was unsere Welt »im Innersten zusammenhält«.
PDF Vom Urknall bis zum Menschen Eine Kurzfassung Helmut Jarosch 9783832548674 Books
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Tags : Vom Urknall bis zum Menschen. Eine Kurzfassung [Helmut Jarosch] on . Wie hat sich das Universum nach dem Urknall entwickelt? Wie verhalten sich Raum und Zeit zueinander? Wie haben sich aus Elementarteilchen komplexe Objekte gebildet Atome,Helmut Jarosch,Vom Urknall bis zum Menschen. Eine Kurzfassung,Logos Verlag Berlin,383254867X
Vom Urknall bis zum Menschen Eine Kurzfassung Helmut Jarosch 9783832548674 Books Reviews :
PDF Quattromani due spunti di vista Italian Edition Madica Sarda Books
By Edwin Elliott
PDF Quattromani due spunti di vista Italian Edition Madica Sarda Books
Quattromani è una piccola raccolta di pensieri d'amore, il punto di vista e lo spunto di comunicazione tra due innamorati che si vivono a fondo col coraggio di sentimenti messi a nudo parole d'amore a cui rispondono parole d'amore, tentativi di corrispondenza e connessione tra cuori, prima ancora che tra persone.
PDF Quattromani due spunti di vista Italian Edition Madica Sarda Books
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Tags : Quattromani due (s)punti di vista (Italian Edition) (9781795691482) Madica Sarda Books,Madica Sarda,Quattromani due (s)punti di vista (Italian Edition),Independently published,1795691484,Poetry / Subjects Themes / Family,Poetry / Subjects Themes / Love
Quattromani due spunti di vista Italian Edition Madica Sarda Books Reviews :
Read I Am Gandhi Ordinary People Change the World Series Audible Audio Edition Brad Meltzer Rajiv Surendra Various Listening Library Books
By Edwin Elliott
Read I Am Gandhi Ordinary People Change the World Series Audible Audio Edition Brad Meltzer Rajiv Surendra Various Listening Library Books
Gandhi's peaceful revolution is the focus of this audiobook, part of the inspiring New York Times best-selling biography series about heroes.
As a young man in India, Gandhi saw firsthand how people were treated unfairly. Refusing to accept injustice, he came up with a brilliant way to fight back through quiet, peaceful protest. He took his methods with him from South Africa back to India, where he led a nonviolent revolution that freed his country from British rule. Through his calm, steady heroism, Gandhi changed everything for India and inspired civil rights movements all over the world, proving that the smallest of us can be the most powerful.
This friendly, fun biography series focuses on the traits that made our heroes great - the traits that kids can aspire to in order to live heroically themselves. Each book tells the story of one of America's icons in a lively, conversational way that works well for the youngest children and that always includes the hero's childhood influences.
Read I Am Gandhi Ordinary People Change the World Series Audible Audio Edition Brad Meltzer Rajiv Surendra Various Listening Library Books
"As adults we cannot always read the 800 page biographies of the amazing people so these are nice to learn more. My 8 year old loves these books and I feel happy she is learning about inspiring people. We have the entire series and love and cherish it."
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Tags : I Am Gandhi Ordinary People Change the World Series (Audible Audio Edition) Brad Meltzer, Rajiv Surendra, Various, Listening Library Books, ,Brad Meltzer, Rajiv Surendra, Various, Listening Library,I Am Gandhi Ordinary People Change the World Series,Listening Library,B07N4BTX4X
I Am Gandhi Ordinary People Change the World Series Audible Audio Edition Brad Meltzer Rajiv Surendra Various Listening Library Books Reviews :
I Am Gandhi Ordinary People Change the World Series Audible Audio Edition Brad Meltzer Rajiv Surendra Various Listening Library Books Reviews
- Another stellar book by Brad Meltzer. This is my favorite way to learn history, and to share the stories with my grandchildren, who love them, too. Brad's stories show us how one person who cares enough can make a difference in the world. Brad Meltzer is our family's favorite author. There is nothing as much fun as when the book arrives, and we all gather on the couch together to enjoy it. So not only do we learn history, but the children learn how wonderful reading it. And the way Brad writes the books makes them great for the children and the adults. Another hit, Brad!
- Amazing book. Its well written. And sends the message that being small in structure, strength you can rise above and become a change for the society. Its more for a 5+ age and my 3 year old son it was a little advanced.
Love the series. - This is such a great series. Another stellar entry to the world of educating and enlightening through an entertaining prism.
- The whole series by Brad Metzler has been wonderful. Educational and fun for my 7 yo and 4 yo. Cute art, well written, provides what I feel is a good basic understanding of the important role these historical figures played. Hits the highlights without boring young children. Both boys love to read them. Nice change of pace from all of the star wars ans superhero books they usually read.
- As adults we cannot always read the 800 page biographies of the amazing people so these are nice to learn more. My 8 year old loves these books and I feel happy she is learning about inspiring people. We have the entire series and love and cherish it.
- My daughter who doesnt like to read, loves how this is set up like a comic series but she is learning. Shes made me buy several of them. She likes how they are fun to read and talk about when they were kids too.
- This is a great searies of books. It's my son's favorite book to read before bed. It gives you great life lessons of not giving up and the power of hard work. Highly recomend this.
- My 4.5 yo has become very interested in social justice, largely provoked by this sweet book on Gandhi's life.
Read A New Earth Awakening to Your Life Purpose Oprah Book Club Selection 61 Eckhart Tolle 9780452289963 Books
By Edwin Elliott on Sunday, June 2, 2019
Read A New Earth Awakening to Your Life Purpose Oprah Book Club Selection 61 Eckhart Tolle 9780452289963 Books
“A wake-up call for the entire planet . . . [A New Earth] helps us to stop creating our own suffering and obsessing over the past and what the future might be, and to put ourselves in the now.” —Oprah Winfrey
With his bestselling spiritual guide The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle inspired millions of readers to discover the freedom and joy of a life lived “in the now.” In A New Earth, Tolle expands on these powerful ideas to show how transcending our ego-based state of consciousness is not only essential to personal happiness, but also the key to ending conflict and suffering throughout the world. Tolle describes how our attachment to the ego creates the dysfunction that leads to anger, jealousy, and unhappiness, and shows readers how to awaken to a new state of consciousness and follow the path to a truly fulfilling existence.
Illuminating, enlightening, and uplifting, A New Earth is a profoundly spiritual manifesto for a better way of life—and for building a better world.
Read A New Earth Awakening to Your Life Purpose Oprah Book Club Selection 61 Eckhart Tolle 9780452289963 Books
"This book is changing my life and I'm only a 1/3 of the way into it. I saw Mr. Tolle interviewed by Oprah on Super Soul Sunday and was amazed at his descriptions about life. The idea that we are not anything of form - thoughts, likes/dislikes, cumulative experiences, gender, nationality, religion, and on and on....mind boggling. Tolle says that we are the part of us that realizes we are thinking. Anything else is ego. Tolle says that at the heart of all ancient religions is that the mind is insane and if we want to find peace, we must realize who we really are and drop any pretense of ego. Ego is just an illusion. My life is already better, just from learning that little bit.
The book takes time to read, because, you have to contemplate what you read, highlight it and read it again. I imagine reading this book or at least parts of it, over and over again. Enjoy."
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Tags : A New Earth Awakening to Your Life's Purpose (Oprah's Book Club, Selection 61) [Eckhart Tolle] on . <b>“A wake-up call for the entire planet . . . [ A New Earth</i>] helps us to stop creating our own suffering and obsessing over the past and what the future might be,Eckhart Tolle,A New Earth Awakening to Your Life's Purpose (Oprah's Book Club, Selection 61),Penguin,0452289963,Spiritual,Spiritual life,Spiritual life.,Nonfiction,BODY, MIND SPIRIT / Inspiration Personal Growth,Body, Mind Spirit/Mindfulness Meditation,CONSCIOUSNESS,GENERAL,General Adult,Inspiration Personal Growth,Mind, Body, Spirit thought practice,Mindfulness Meditation,New Age,New Age / Body, Mind Spirit,Non-Fiction,PERSONAL GUIDANCE,Psychology / General,SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / General,SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / Happiness,SELF-HELP / Spiritual,Self Help,Self-Help,Self-Help/Spiritual,United States,graduation gifts for him;best friend gifts for women;a new earth by eckhart tolle;moving away gifts for friends;garden gifts for women;spirituality books;earth books;earth book;earth;new books;eckhart tolle books;a new earth;book club gifts;self help books for women;gifts for women;graduation gifts;self help;inspirational;inspirational books for women;inspirational books;oprahs book club;self improvement;eckhart tolle;oprah;self help books;motivational books;oprah book club;spiritual books,oprahs book club; self improvement; eckhart tolle; inspirational; oprah; self help books; motivational books; the power of now; self help books for women; gifts for women; graduation gifts; self help; inspirational books for women; inspirational books; graduation inspiration; book club gifts; eckhart tolle books; oprah book club; spirituality books; earth books; earth book; earth; new books; a new earth; a new earth by eckhart tolle; moving away gifts for friends; garden gifts for women; best friend gifts for women,BODY, MIND SPIRIT / Inspiration Personal Growth,Body, Mind Spirit/Mindfulness Meditation,Inspiration Personal Growth,Mindfulness Meditation,Psychology / General,SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / General,SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / Happiness,SELF-HELP / Spiritual,Self-Help/Spiritual,New Age / Body, Mind Spirit,Consciousness,Personal Guidance,Self-Help,Mind, Body, Spirit thought practice
A New Earth Awakening to Your Life Purpose Oprah Book Club Selection 61 Eckhart Tolle 9780452289963 Books Reviews :
A New Earth Awakening to Your Life Purpose Oprah Book Club Selection 61 Eckhart Tolle 9780452289963 Books Reviews
- I felt quite bored when reading the first several pages of this book. Then the author began talking about the ego, page after page after page. This book talked about the ego, my ego, in more ways than I had previously ever imagined, confronting and exposing my precious ego. On at least a couple of occasions, I threw the book across the room into the wall. Then I became aware that this was exactly what I needed. I have never before read a book describing the human ego with such logical description. His work on the "pain body" is some of the most valuable work on understanding human relationship behavior that I have ever read. I strongly recommend this book for anyone that is willing to take another step in becoming honest with one's self.
- This book is changing my life and I'm only a 1/3 of the way into it. I saw Mr. Tolle interviewed by Oprah on Super Soul Sunday and was amazed at his descriptions about life. The idea that we are not anything of form - thoughts, likes/dislikes, cumulative experiences, gender, nationality, religion, and on and on....mind boggling. Tolle says that we are the part of us that realizes we are thinking. Anything else is ego. Tolle says that at the heart of all ancient religions is that the mind is insane and if we want to find peace, we must realize who we really are and drop any pretense of ego. Ego is just an illusion. My life is already better, just from learning that little bit.
The book takes time to read, because, you have to contemplate what you read, highlight it and read it again. I imagine reading this book or at least parts of it, over and over again. Enjoy. - To be honest, I hated this book the whole time I was reading it and immediately after. I thought it was poorly written, repetitive, preachy, and idealistic. But lo and behold, 6 months later I am still thinking about it all the time. Like it says in the intro, you are either ready for this book or you're not. If you're ready, it will open your eyes in a way that is impossible to reverse. Try to read it with an open mind and a willingness to deeply examine your own mind in ways that may be very uncomfortable to you. It will be worth it.
- I read this after "The Power of Now" and I have to say I was a bit disappointed. For one, Tolle repeats most of what you'll find in the "Power of Now" in this book with little new insight. The Socratic way of question and answer sets a very all-knowing form. In "The Power of Now", it seems he's more of a guide or a teacher but after reading this book he seems like some sort of arrogant all-knowing God. If you have to decide between the two, read the "Power of Now".
- Eckhart Tolle doesn't need any help to sell this book. But still i am writing this review because this is truly such a great book.
Maybe regretfully- the book's title doesn't convey how transformational a tool it can be for the individual person... It doesn't only talk about creating a new conscious society, but it mostly is a useful and eye opening book about waking up individually.
I wonder if it is at all possible to digest this book even with several reads... maybe even in one single lifetime...
I first read it more than 10 years ago, maybe even more, when i was deep into Eckhart and his teaching.
Then i moved on to other spiritual inspirations.. and felt that frankly, it's strange, but i don't want to go near Eckhart at all again, as his teaching just makes me "frustrated".... What can i say- it wasn't correct for me to listen to him for a while.
Now, i happened to return to his sphere of influence, and picking up this book again, i realize how deep, accurate and brilliant it is.
Yes. It may not be easy implementing what Eckhart talks about.
But if you are someone that feels strongly about spirituality, and even about liberation from suffering, this book has a dignified place in your library... even if you'll have to read it again and again over the course of many years, to realize it's transformational power.
Eckhart knows what he is talking about. - The enormous, positive impact this book has had on me is unbelievable. I feel like a new person with all the information packed into this book. I am now rereading to ensure i grasp everything this gem has to offer and i honestly feel like i would've be rereading for years to come. I have made so many notes and highlights and reading them everyday fills me with such joy and peace. This is a process and at time the information would be so profound that you need a moment or the rest of the day to focus and really let whatever information (and there is an abundance) that sticks out to YOU sink in and process! This book will change the way you look at life... GUARANTEED!!
- Life changing. Appreciate author's research and use of many teachers. Author has an interesting interpretation of some scripture, but stays true to most and it is applied well to support points made. Certainly provides common sense ways to eliminate stress in your life. Very relaxing to listen to. We set the timer on , and listen to excerpts before bedtime. Soothing, comforting, provocative, enlightening and also helps us sleep! Also listen to it when driving, helps with stress. Definitely, recommend for people who obsess, are quick to anger, or mentally can't 'let things go'.
- This book touts to be teaching truth. I know its not all true. This author has concluded that our thoughts and emotions are only our ego. This implies that the soul is but the part of us that sits back observing without feeling. I might agree that many self centered thoughts are from the ego self, but emotion is something even the angels in heaven feel as well as our deceased loved ones. I know because I have had a NDE myself years ago. My son in law was shot in the back 8 times, flat lined three times and was in a coma for 3 and a half months. Emotions do not die with the body. I also know that other NDE'rs have validated that we are still us , emotions and all even after we cross over. This author has never claimed an NDE and says it all comes to him through intuition. I think it was simply something he came up with based on his own understanding and comfort zone. Not necessarily true for everyone.